Friday 28 November 2008

Measurements---a necessary evil in an organisation?

In the real world, a company’s measurement systems typically deliver a blizzard of nearly meaningless data that quantifies practically everything in sight, no matter how unimportant; that is devoid of any particular rhyme or reason; that is so voluminous as to be unusable; that is delivered so late as to be virtually useless; and that then languishes in printouts and briefing books without being put to any significant purpose.... In short, measurement is a mess.

We use two percent of what we measure. The rest is FYI/A. . . We are masters of the micro. We measure paper clip acquisition times . . . The appearance of precision substitutes for substance . . . We measure far too much and get far too little for what we measure because we never articulated what we need to get better at, and our measures aren’t tied together to support higher-level decision making.

I am wondering in this world of numbers and trying to figure out if there is a world outside of 6 sigma,Lean,Poka-Yoke,TQM etc that will make measurements more meaningful and thought provoking. which eventually will help laymen like you and me interpret and infer information to better the place we work in!!!

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